Wednesday, February 21, 2007

How to screw up a good schedule.

Honestly, I have discovered many ways to screw up schedules. It's not hard, really - procrastination is both cheap and effective.

But there's nothing more simple or effective than spending a few days with a three-digit fever. It's not just that you lay in bed during those days, unable to move or think, never mind do productive work, but, after the fever breaks, you feel like your brain has been tossed into the blender with the switch set to "Frappe." Smooth-n-tasty...

The Ayrstone project is still coming along, with the first draft of the finished DVD in circulation to some key individuals. Comments back so far are generally positive, with some suggestions of minor changes that shouldn't entail more than 50-80 hours of work.

I went down to Tulare to the World Ag Expo on Tuesday of last week (just before the flu) and handed out flyers for the DVD. I had hoped to hand out 1000 but got 500 into the hands of passers-by in the Pavilion C tent that houses most of the GPS vendors.

We've seen a little pickup in orders, but not what I had hoped (is it ever what we hope?) The next step is to fire up the direct mail machine.

Saturday, February 10, 2007


OK, it's not "Soul of the New Machine," but the new company is up and moving forward. The grand idea: use the combined energy and knowledge of two people, one a Silicon Valley tech veteran and one a midwestern ag expert, and produce something useful to help farmers get a handle on GPS steering products.

The new company is called Ayrstone Productivity, LLC.

I'm one of the principals - I used to be a marketing exec for a small GPS company called Novariant, and worked on their AutoFarm product line. The grand idea we came up with was to capture all the information I had in my head about all the companies in this space and put it into a DVD to give farmers more of a fair shake with the folks selling this stuff.

The result is Ayrstone's first product, shown here. You can preview the first module on YouTube.

We're also hosting a new forum for GPS users in Ag at