Wednesday, August 4, 2010

A real company is born...

Well, in case you haven't seen our ads or mentions on the web, we are truly up and running. In the last few months, we have been working on our website, particularly the Support page where all the instructions and FAQs live. We have added articles on the Community page, and worked to make sure it is more "SEO friendly" so we show up first in searches.

Most exciting, we have sold about 200 AyrMesh Hubs at this point. Some have come back because they didn't do what the purchaser had hoped, and we have even seen our first defects in the last couple of weeks. However, the VAST majority have found "happy homes" out across the U.S. and Canada - it's incredibly gratifying!

Now, while it's true that we have some revenues and expenses (hey, that's the sign of a real company, right?), there are still a few things separating us from being a REAL company:

1. When you call technical support, you talk to me.
2. When you call sales, you talk to me.
3. In fact, any number you call, if I'm not on the phone already, you talk to me.
4. I'm on the phone most of the time.
5. If you send an email to sales, support, info, or just about anything else at, you're talking to me.

Of course, an awful lot of folks end up talking to my voice on the answering service, so we're going to get some people (who probably know more than I do anyway) to answer the phone.

In the meantime, AyrMesh has started showing up all over the web. Clay Mitchell has been a beta tester, and has mentioned it in his blog. Willie Vogt also wrote a good article about us on his blog, and a very nice article in Farm Progress. Finally, more and more of our customers are sending us great testimonials and reviews on our Amazon store.

It is gratifying to have gotten the company finally off the ground and moving in the right direction. However, now is when the hard work really begins.

Onwards and upwards!